
Hey, Bitches.

I knitted a button hole.

Fucking awesome, right?  I know.


Hey Bitches.

I put a bunch of new photos in my my photostream.


Hey Bitches.

I applied for a new job.  A fucking awesome new job!  I want it so bad.

Fingers crossed!


Hey Bitches!

I just emailed a property owner about a cute apartment over by Rockwood Park.  This is your notice to cross your fingers for me.


Hey, Bitches!

I'm so happy!  Xmas is over!  Exclamation points!  Everywhere!  Yay!!!

I got some awesome shit, too.

I got an origami kit which you know I wanted for years.  I got a new cell phone, a cordless phone, digital batteries, apon bulbs, winter wipers, a big walmart gift card, a BULK BARN gift card, a $100 pay-as-you-go card, a cat organizer book, TWO things of slim jims, and a bag of like, stuff, like stuff that I use, shampoo and cleansers and shit.  I got all awesome shit!!!  Ha ha ha, and now Xmas is gone for another year!

Here's a photo of Sophi.  She doesn't hold still very well.


Hey Bitches.

The only thing I asked for was Xmas Eve off.

I didn't get it.

I posted a notice to switch my Xmas Eve shift for someone else's Xmas day shift and when I came in this morning my notice was gone.

So I was talking to my supe and saying Xmas Eve was the only day I wanted off, and poor me I could work Saturday or Xmas day for someone else and was it management that took my notice off the board or was someone inquiring?

Some guy was standing there at the right time and he said he'd take my Xmas Eve if I took his Xmas Day.

Huzzah Bitches! You shall all be subjected to my new blue cheese recipe! Whether you like it or not!